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教学 & 教师的职位


  • 艺术 & 陶瓷教师(2024-2025)

    大发彩票平台登录 is seeking to hire an 精力充沛的 committed individual to serve as an 艺术与陶瓷教师.

    这是一个全日制的,随意开放的2024- 2025学年.

    大发彩票平台登录正在招聘一名充满信仰的, 精力充沛的, 专门的艺术和陶瓷老师加入大发彩票平台充满活力的师资队伍.

    理想的候选人应该有很强的视觉艺术背景, with expertise in ceramics and a commitment to fostering creativity and artistic expression among high school students. 申请人将被期望计划, 组织, and implement an appropriate instructional program in a learning environment that guides and encourages students to develop and fulfill their academic potential. 申请人必须能够计划, 准备, and deliver instructional activities that facilitate active learning experiences, 建立, 并为所有学习活动传达明确的目标. The ideal candidate will be an integral member of Mullen’s Art Department and emb比赛 the opportunity to be a role model to students not only in their academic development but also in their faith and personal development as well.

    作为喇沙修士和天主教的教育者, 大发彩票平台努力在学术上激励大发彩票平台的学生, 精神上, and emotionally equally and anticipate that teachers who wish to join our staff look forward to this critical part of our work.



    Interviews will begin for qualified applicants as soon as materials are received
    提交求职信、简历、 & 三个参考文献 HR@beituo.net
  • 代课教师池

    大发彩票平台登录 is seeking Substitute Teachers to cover classes for teachers who are on retreat, 参加会议, 或者去参加学校相关的活动. 将请代课教师监课, 天天p测试, 并提供简化的教学计划.
    For any candidates that are interested in serving as a substitute for 大发彩票平台登录 should send an e-mail to HR@beituo.net with a resume and cover letter explain which courses you would be willing to substitute. 



  • 旗旗橄榄球(女子)总教练


    大发彩票平台登录 is seeking to hire an 精力充沛的 committed individual to serve as a Head 女子国旗橄榄球教练. 这是一个兼职的,随意的,开放2024-2025学年.

    大发彩票平台登录是一所喇沙修士学校, 天主教, and college preparatory school conducted in the tradition of the Christian Brothers to give a human and Christian education to the young, 尤其是穷人, 正如大发彩票平台的五项喇沙修士核心原则所确立的. 作为世界上最大的教育网络之一的一员, Mullen’s mission is to ensure its students are grounded in the living presence of God, 尊重所有的人, 他们的思想是否包容, 对穷人和那些遭受不公正待遇的人表现出敏感, and are educated to 准备 for excellence in college and all their future endeavors.

    支持26个不同性别的项目, 大发彩票平台登录 has a rich athletic history with over 82 State Championships and hundreds of more individual State Champs. 竞争激烈的百年联盟的长期成员, 马伦追求最好的球员,成为最好的球员.

    大发彩票平台登录 does not unlawfully discriminate or allow unlawful harassment in any of its programs, 程序, 或者基于年龄的实践, color, 残疾, 国家或民族出身, 政治面貌, 比赛, 宗教, 性别, 性取向, 服兵役, or other protected classifications defined by the State of Colorado and local laws.

    大发彩票平台登录体育部有个空缺 女旗队的总教练.

    这是2024-2025学年的兼职职位. 赔偿5000美元.
    这是一个临时的,随意的季节性职位,不符合福利资格. 这个职位不包括学校的全职职位.

    Interviews will begin for qualified applicants as soon as materials are received
    提交一封求职信 & 简历 HR@beituo.net
  • 助理教练-旗旗橄榄球(女子)


    大发彩票平台登录 is seeking to hire an 精力充沛的 committed individual to serve as an 女旗橄榄球队助理教练. 这是一个兼职的,随意的,开放2024-2025学年.

    大发彩票平台登录是一所喇沙修士学校, 天主教, and college preparatory school conducted in the tradition of the Christian Brothers to give a human and Christian education to the young, 尤其是穷人, 正如大发彩票平台的五项喇沙修士核心原则所确立的. 作为世界上最大的教育网络之一的一员, Mullen’s mission is to ensure its students are grounded in the living presence of God, 尊重所有的人, 他们的思想是否包容, 对穷人和那些遭受不公正待遇的人表现出敏感, and are educated to 准备 for excellence in college and all their future endeavors.

    支持26个不同性别的项目, 大发彩票平台登录 has a rich athletic history with over 82 State Championships and hundreds of more individual State Champs. 竞争激烈的百年联盟的长期成员, 马伦为了成为最好的球员而追求最好的比赛.

    大发彩票平台登录 does not unlawfully discriminate or allow unlawful harassment in any of its programs, 程序, 或者根据年龄进行实践, color, 残疾, 国家或民族出身, 政治面貌, 比赛, 宗教, 性别, 性取向, 服兵役, or other protected classifications defined by the State of Colorado and local laws.

    大发彩票平台登录体育系有个空缺 女旗助理教练.

    这是2024-2025学年的兼职职位. 赔偿为3300美元.
    这是一个临时的,随意的季节性职位,不符合福利资格. 这个职位不包括学校的全职职位.

    Interviews will begin for qualified applicants as soon as materials are received
    提交一封求职信 & 简历 HR@beituo.net
  • 助理教练-男子女子排球


    大发彩票平台登录 is seeking to hire an 精力充沛的 committed individual to serve as an Assistant Boys’ Volleyball Coach. 这是一个随意的兼职,2023-2024学年开放.

    大发彩票平台登录是一所喇沙修士学校, 天主教, and college preparatory school conducted in the tradition of the Christian Brothers to give a human and Christian education to the young, 尤其是穷人, 正如大发彩票平台的五项喇沙修士核心原则所确立的. 作为世界上最大的教育网络之一的一员, Mullen’s mission is to ensure its students are grounded in the living presence of God, 尊重所有的人, 他们的思想是否包容, 对穷人和那些遭受不公正待遇的人表现出敏感, and are educated to 准备 for excellence in college and all their future endeavors.

    支持26个不同性别的项目, 大发彩票平台登录 has a rich athletic history with over 80 State Championships and hundreds of more individual State Champs. 竞争激烈的百年联盟的长期成员, 马伦追求最好的球员,成为最好的球员.

    大发彩票平台登录 does not unlawfully discriminate or allow unlawful harassment in any of its programs, 程序, 或者基于年龄的实践, color, 残疾, 国家或民族出身, 政治面貌, 比赛, 宗教, 性别, 性取向, 服兵役, or other protected classifications defined by the State of Colorado and local laws.

    大发彩票平台登录体育系有个空缺 Assistant Boys’ Volleyball Coach.


    This is an at-will, temporary, seasonal position and is not benefit-eligible. 这个职位不包括学校的全职职位.


    Interviews will begin for qualified applicants as soon as materials are received.
    提交一封求职信 & 简历 HR@beituo.net
  • 男子c级排球助理教练


    大发彩票平台登录 is seeking to hire an 精力充沛的 committed individual to serve as an Assistant Boys’ Volleyball Coach. 这是一个随意的兼职,2023-2024学年开放.

    大发彩票平台登录是一所喇沙修士学校, 天主教, and college preparatory school conducted in the tradition of the Christian Brothers to give a human and Christian education to the young, 尤其是穷人, 正如大发彩票平台的五项喇沙修士核心原则所确立的. 作为世界上最大的教育网络之一的一员, Mullen’s mission is to ensure its students are grounded in the living presence of God, 尊重所有的人, 他们的思想是否包容, 对穷人和那些遭受不公正待遇的人表现出敏感, and are educated to 准备 for excellence in college and all their future endeavors.

    支持26个不同性别的项目, 大发彩票平台登录 has a rich athletic history with over 80 State Championships and hundreds of more individual State Champs. 竞争激烈的百年联盟的长期成员, 马伦追求最好的球员,成为最好的球员.

    大发彩票平台登录 does not unlawfully discriminate or allow unlawful harassment in any of its programs, 程序, 或者基于年龄的实践, color, 残疾, 国家或民族出身, 政治面貌, 比赛, 宗教, 性别, 性取向, 服兵役, or other protected classifications defined by the State of Colorado and local laws.

    大发彩票平台登录体育系有个空缺 Assistant Boys’ Volleyball Coach.


    This is an at-will, temporary, seasonal position and is not benefit-eligible. 这个职位不包括学校的全职职位.


    Interviews will begin for qualified applicants as soon as materials are received.
    提交一封求职信 & 简历 HR@beituo.net
  • 助理教练-啦啦队

    大发彩票平台登录 is seeking to hire an 精力充沛的 committed individual to serve as an Assistant 啦啦队 Coach.

    This is a part-time, at-will, seasonal opening for the 2024-2025 School Year.

    大发彩票平台登录是一所喇沙修士学校, 天主教, and college preparatory school conducted in the tradition of the Christian Brothers to give a human and Christian education to the young, 尤其是穷人, 正如大发彩票平台的五项喇沙修士核心原则所确立的. 作为世界上最大的教育网络之一的一员, Mullen’s mission is to ensure its students are grounded in the living presence of God, 尊重所有的人, 他们的思想是否包容, 对穷人和那些遭受不公正待遇的人表现出敏感, and are educated to 准备 for excellence in college and all their future endeavors.

    支持26个独立项目, 大发彩票平台登录 has a rich athletic history with over 80 State Championships and hundreds of more individual State Champs. 竞争激烈的百年联盟的长期成员, 马伦追求最好的球员,成为最好的球员.

    大发彩票平台登录 does not unlawfully discriminate or allow unlawful harassment in any of its programs, 程序, 或者基于年龄的实践, color, 残疾, 国家或民族出身, 政治面貌, 比赛, 宗教, 性别, 性取向, 服兵役, or other protected classifications defined by the State of Colorado and local laws.

    大发彩票平台登录体育系有个空缺 Assistant 啦啦队 Coach.

    This is a part-time, at-will, seasonal position for the 2024-2025 school year.


    这是一个临时的、季节性的职位 benefit-eligible. 这个职位不包括学校的全职职位.


    Interviews will begin for qualified applicants as soon as materials are received

    提交一封求职信 & 简历 HR@beituo.net
  • 助理跟踪 & 撑杆跳高田径教练

    大发彩票平台登录 is seeking to hire an 精力充沛的 committed individual to serve as an 助理跟踪 & 撑杆跳高田径教练. This is a seasonal, part-time, at-will opening for the 2023-2024 School Year.

    大发彩票平台登录是一所喇沙修士学校, 天主教, and college preparatory school conducted in the tradition of the Christian Brothers to give a human and Christian education to the young, 尤其是穷人, 正如大发彩票平台的五项喇沙修士核心原则所确立的. 作为世界上最大的教育网络之一的一员, Mullen’s mission is to ensure its students are grounded in the living presence of God, 尊重所有的人, 他们的思想是否包容, 对穷人和那些遭受不公正待遇的人表现出敏感, and are educated to 准备 for excellence in college and all their future endeavors.

    支持26个不同性别的项目, 大发彩票平台登录 has a rich athletic history with over 80 State Championships and hundreds of more individual State Champs. 竞争激烈的百年联盟的长期成员, 马伦追求最好的球员,成为最好的球员.

    大发彩票平台登录 does not unlawfully discriminate or allow unlawful harassment in any of its programs, 程序, 或者基于年龄的实践, color, 残疾, 国家或民族出身, 政治面貌, 比赛, 宗教, 性别, 性取向, 服兵役, or other protected classifications defined by the State of Colorado and local laws.

    大发彩票平台登录体育系有个空缺 Assistant T&撑杆跳高教练.

    This is a seasonal part-time at-will position for the 2023-2024 school year.


    这是一个临时的,随意的季节性职位,不符合福利资格. 这个职位不包括学校的全职职位.

    Interviews will begin for qualified applicants as soon as materials are received

    提交一封求职信 & 简历到HR@beituo.net
  • 助理跟踪 & 短跑教练

    大发彩票平台登录 is seeking to hire an 精力充沛的 committed individual to serve as an 助理跟踪 & 田径教练-短跑. This is a seasonal, part-time, at-will opening for the 2023-2024 School Year.

    大发彩票平台登录是一所喇沙修士学校, 天主教, and college preparatory school conducted in the tradition of the Christian Brothers to give a human and Christian education to the young, 尤其是穷人, 正如大发彩票平台的五项喇沙修士核心原则所确立的. 作为世界上最大的教育网络之一的一员, Mullen’s mission is to ensure its students are grounded in the living presence of God, 尊重所有的人, 他们的思想是否包容, 对穷人和那些遭受不公正待遇的人表现出敏感, and are educated to 准备 for excellence in college and all their future endeavors.

    支持26个不同性别的项目, 大发彩票平台登录 has a rich athletic history with over 80 State Championships and hundreds of more individual State Champs. 竞争激烈的百年联盟的长期成员, 马伦追求最好的球员,成为最好的球员.

    大发彩票平台登录 does not unlawfully discriminate or allow unlawful harassment in any of its programs, 程序, 或者基于年龄的实践, color, 残疾, 国家或民族出身, 政治面貌, 比赛, 宗教, 性别, 性取向, 服兵役, or other protected classifications defined by the State of Colorado and local laws.

    大发彩票平台登录体育系有个空缺 Assistant T&教练,短跑.

    This is a seasonal part-time at-will position for the 2023-2024 school year.


    这是一个临时的,随意的季节性职位,不符合福利资格. 这个职位不包括学校的全职职位.

    Interviews will begin for qualified applicants as soon as materials are received
    提交一封求职信 & 简历到HR@beituo.net


大发彩票平台登录 does not discriminate or allow unlawful harassment in any of its programs, 基于年龄的程序或惯例, color, 残疾, 国家或民族出身, 政治面貌, 比赛, 宗教, 性别, 性取向, 服兵役, or other protected classifications defined by the State of Colorado and local laws. 这项政策适用于大发彩票平台登录的所有就业方面.


完成 就业应用程序 把它和你的简历和求职信一起寄到 hr@beituo.net.

3601 S. 洛厄尔大街.
丹佛,CO 80236

(303) 761-1764分机.3336





  • 医学、牙科 & 愿景

    Mullen offers 医学、牙科 and 愿景 insurance to all eligible employees through Cigna. 大发彩票平台努力保持低成本的员工. 

  • 带薪休假

    Mullen offers a generous paid time off policy for teaching and non-teaching staff. 带薪休假包括假期、病假和家庭病假. 
  • 教育工作者学费减免

    在为马伦工作一年后, eligible employees are able to participate in tuition reduction for dependents enrolled at 大发彩票平台登录. 减少的百分比取决于雇员的服务年限. 
  • 退休计划

    马伦参加了403(b)退休计划. Eligible employees can make contributions into the 403(b) plan up to the IRS's annual limitations. 

    马伦公司还提供由马伦公司全额出资的固定收益计划. Employees must remain with the company for 5 years to be vested in this plan. 
  • 生命与AD&D保险

    Mullen provides all eligible employees with Life Insurance and Accidental Death & 解体(广告&D)雇员免费保险. We do also offer a supplement insurance to this category at the discretion and cost to the employee. 
  • 短 & 长期残疾

    Mullen provides all eligible employees with 短 and Long Term 残疾 at no cost to the employee. Disability insurance provides benefits that replace part of your lost income when you become unable to work due to a covered injury or illness. 
  • 员工助理计划

    We are proud to provide a confidential program dedicated to supporting the emotional health and well-being of our employees and their families. EAP通过Unum免费提供给员工.
  • 弹性开支帐户(可选)

    We give our employees the opportunity to participate in a flexible spending account through 24 Hour Flex. This is a pre-tax deduction that will help cover medical cost throughout the year.