Stephanie Santillo joined the Mullen community in 2011, 在2013年成为大学咨询主任之前,他曾担任咨询主任两年. Ms. Santillo began her career in higher education in 2000, 在乌尔西纳学院和宾夕法尼亚大学负责大发彩票平台工作, as well as in career development at St. Joseph's University. 2005年,为了更好地帮助学生和家庭申请大学,她转到高中工作. Originally from the Philadelphia area, Ms. Santillo has been a Colorado resident since 2008. 她拥有威廉玛丽学院和宾夕法尼亚大学的学位. When not proofreading college essays, she and her husband enjoy spending time with friends and family, 旅行, and enjoying the outdoors.
Mr. O'Rourke has been with Mullen since 2018. 在他之前的职业生涯中,他是母校大发彩票平台办的高级副院长, 波莫纳大学. In addition to admission responsibilities at the College, 他通过波莫纳青年成功学院教授大学入学研讨会, a program dedicated to local area first generation to college youth. Mr. O’Rourke transitioned to the high school side in 2016, 担任洛杉矶查德威克学校大学咨询副主任. 为了好玩,先生。. 奥罗克喜欢完成周日版的《大发彩票平台登录》填字游戏, seeking out the perfect local coffee shop, handwriting letters to old friends, 一遍又一遍地给他两岁的双胞胎读“晚安,月亮”. 他被马伦大学(Mullen)的喇沙修士核心原则(Lasallian Core Principles)所吸引,以及这些原则如何可以作为指导,他建议学生不要把大学过程简单地当作一个目的地,而是作为一个持续的旅程.
每所大学的代表将介绍各自机构的情况, discuss the application process, 并回答有关如何将一个强大和反思的应用程序组合在一起的问题. 每个项目将以分组讨论结束,代表们将回答有关他们特定学校和申请过程的问题.
The Exploring College Options programs start promptly. 大发彩票平台建议提前15至20分钟到达,完成签到流程并找到座位. Programs typically last one and a half hours. Please feel free to bring your parent or guardian to the program, and if you have any friends who you think might be interested, please direct them to this 网站 for registration information.
If you cannot attend this event, please go to our 网站 for a complete listing of regional Exploring College Options programs.
每所大学的代表将介绍各自机构的情况, discuss the application process, 并回答有关如何将一个强大和反思的应用程序组合在一起的问题. 每个项目将以分组讨论结束,代表们将回答有关他们特定学校和申请过程的问题.
The Exploring College Options programs start promptly. 大发彩票平台建议提前15至20分钟到达,完成签到流程并找到座位. Programs typically last one and a half hours. Please feel free to bring your parent or guardian to the program, and if you have any friends who you think might be interested, please direct them to this 网站 for registration information.
If you cannot attend this event, please go to our 网站 for a complete listing of regional Exploring College Options programs.
鼓励大学大发彩票平台代表和其他大专院校招聘专业人员使用 Scoir system to schedule your visit to campus.
Having trouble scheduling your visit? 请联系 珍娜·彼得森, Mullen’s College Counseling Assistant.
Your GPS directions will take you to the front entrance of campus. 请将车停在“马蹄形”访客停车场,并从总办公室进入. After checking in and receiving your ID badge, 学院咨询团队的一名成员将与您会面并护送您到校园的访问地点.